tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Blog assignment 1

Restrictions on personal privacy are becoming more and more common this days, both in private life and at work. Main reason is that today's technology has given managers a completely different way of monitoring the employees than was possible before. The competitive market are forcing the companies to be as cost efficient as possible and that include the efficiency of the employees. GPS, E-mail control, and video surveillance are some of the methods that could be read in the article, snooping bosses. This method to monitoring the employees has been especially popularly in the U.S probably because they are still the market that has the latest inventions in many areas.

When it comes to surveillance of the employees, I think that one should distinguish between working time and private time. You probably have read about people that have been fired because of the private life didn’t fit with the company policy. Of principle reasons I think this is wrong but I can see why managers are taking these factors of the workers under advice. For example if you have a job where your personality and the way that customers sees you are more important than the product or service you’re providing. Otherwise, I think reasonable supervision is acceptable and that studies of employees internet habits during work hours are all right. Have you paid someone to perform a task you should of course have the right to verify that the person complete their portion of the contract.

My thoughts as you can see about surveillance are quite tolerant as I can see more gain than loss in it. I think that privacy can be sacrificed to some extent. If you have not done anything, you have nothing to hide! One of the main reasons why I am so in favor of video surveillance is that we could finally nail the idiots on various sports events. This is something I long yearned for.

To summarize, monitoring of our personal lives is something we all has to be used to because apparently it’s needed if you are locking at to day’s society!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. Hi Daniel,

    I'm pleased to see that you're up and running, but could you please add your name to the page header or narrow down the scope of the blog title to avoid misleading or confusing passers-by (especially given your blog address)?

    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,


  3. Fair enough, we have to get use to the fact that we are monitored a lot of time, weather we know it or not. But I think that the private sector has the wrong insentives to be blessed with such power as that kind of information can give you.

    Let me make an example:
    If you are sheating on your wife you are a bad person but its not up to your boss to judge you. And even if he dont judge you he can still use his information against you. "Hey Daniel you will need to work extra this weekend" "No I cant!" "Well if you dont I tell your wife about..."

    Sure you said you dont have something to hide but that is today, time changes and one day ther might be something you dont want people to know of. Like you have cancer or that your wife have problem with alcohol or what ever it might be. Then its good to know that a person whos sole intrest is to make money out of you dont have that information on hand.

  4. Good written "Double D"!

    I do not agree on that the US always invents things first. If we are talking electronics we have asian countries like china that always comes first. If we are talking cars, germany has more forwarding techniques. But one thing I do agree about is that the US is the market but there has more to do with BNP and of course the stock exchange that affects many others.

    As you write, you should distinguish between private time and work time. The boss has nothing to do with your private time IF it is not illegal stuff you are doing. If that is the case, then you should of course be aware of it and hopefully the police handles it.

    The payment to the employee´s should be motivated by good work and by loyalty. The employee´s must be well-earned the money. I think it is enough with a filter that prevents your permission to sites that does not associate with work on work time.

    I see that you are tolerated to surveillance. I am to but I think that there has to be restrictions on when it is appropriate or not. Referred to my text everything is about trust and faith. You should not surveil everything, just the most important things that has negative influence on the company.
