tisdag 14 december 2010

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is one of the best books I have ever read. It affects you and gets you to thinking. Usually the film never lives up to the book because the expectations are enormous; however, I think the movie, One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, is an exception. Jack Nicholson is brilliant in the lead role and has the advantage that he looks like he are mental ill.
It is sad, however, that the chief does not get more space in the film. Much of his thoughts disappear in the film because he is not speaking.

But let’s go back to the book. It shows a side of mental health care which is still criticized. How to treat mental illness is a difficult question today. How do you know if the person is healthy or not? A scary idea is that once you have got into the system you never will came out and that is what I think the author of the book want to display. How people who have a little different perspective on life and the society will be looked up because they do not fit in.

I myself can imagine how difficult and frustrating it would be to be looked in at such place and thinking that you are healthy. I would be just like McMurphy, not able to control myself. It would probably go so far that they would be forced to lobotomize me to a vegetable.

Let's not be too critical of the psychiatric care that I am sure doing a good job. It’s not an easy job they have. What would you do if you would end up at such a place knowing that you are healthy? What if you get drugged through your medication? How, then, could you get them to believe you when you’re trying to explain that you are healthy

I strongly recommend everyone to read this book and if you don’t think you have the time at least watch the movie because this is a story a think all should experience.

måndag 15 november 2010

Blog assignment 2 – The story of stuff

The video blog with Annie Leonard is very critical to how the big companies today seems to have taken control over our governments. She is particularly critical of what it looks like in the U.S. which makes this clip extra appealing to me since I am not especially fond by the United States. I have long held views that politicians today are working for businesses and not the people. Big sums are invested by the companies to buy politicians vote in matters that may affect the future profit.
For when it is all down to one crucial factor, it is all about the money. Rich companies in rich countries are showing there economical muscles to take advantage of less developed countries. It may looks like they are bringing money and jobs but do not think for one second that it is for charity! The profits of having the productions in these countries are many times greater than in for example the U.S.
How do they do to succeed in taking out these profits? They pay minimum salary while security is very poor, and those who live there have no other choice than accept or live in poverty.
The thing that will complicate the process toward a more equal society between the developed countries and not so developed is. Do you dare to guess? That’s right, money. Many people if not everyone in the wealthier countries certainly think that what is happening in the third world is morally wrong, but chooses to ignore it. These like many others have funds and shares and a decision which affects the companies negatively will affect their wallets in the same way.
I would still like to end by saying that the clip is just showing you one side of the truth and you should get a broader view of the matter before make a stand.

tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Blog assignment 1

Restrictions on personal privacy are becoming more and more common this days, both in private life and at work. Main reason is that today's technology has given managers a completely different way of monitoring the employees than was possible before. The competitive market are forcing the companies to be as cost efficient as possible and that include the efficiency of the employees. GPS, E-mail control, and video surveillance are some of the methods that could be read in the article, snooping bosses. This method to monitoring the employees has been especially popularly in the U.S probably because they are still the market that has the latest inventions in many areas.

When it comes to surveillance of the employees, I think that one should distinguish between working time and private time. You probably have read about people that have been fired because of the private life didn’t fit with the company policy. Of principle reasons I think this is wrong but I can see why managers are taking these factors of the workers under advice. For example if you have a job where your personality and the way that customers sees you are more important than the product or service you’re providing. Otherwise, I think reasonable supervision is acceptable and that studies of employees internet habits during work hours are all right. Have you paid someone to perform a task you should of course have the right to verify that the person complete their portion of the contract.

My thoughts as you can see about surveillance are quite tolerant as I can see more gain than loss in it. I think that privacy can be sacrificed to some extent. If you have not done anything, you have nothing to hide! One of the main reasons why I am so in favor of video surveillance is that we could finally nail the idiots on various sports events. This is something I long yearned for.

To summarize, monitoring of our personal lives is something we all has to be used to because apparently it’s needed if you are locking at to day’s society!