The video blog with Annie Leonard is very critical to how the big companies today seems to have taken control over our governments. She is particularly critical of what it looks like in the U.S. which makes this clip extra appealing to me since I am not especially fond by the United States . I have long held views that politicians today are working for businesses and not the people. Big sums are invested by the companies to buy politicians vote in matters that may affect the future profit.
For when it is all down to one crucial factor, it is all about the money. Rich companies in rich countries are showing there economical muscles to take advantage of less developed countries. It may looks like they are bringing money and jobs but do not think for one second that it is for charity! The profits of having the productions in these countries are many times greater than in for example the U.S.
How do they do to succeed in taking out these profits? They pay minimum salary while security is very poor, and those who live there have no other choice than accept or live in poverty.
The thing that will complicate the process toward a more equal society between the developed countries and not so developed is. Do you dare to guess? That’s right, money. Many people if not everyone in the wealthier countries certainly think that what is happening in the third world is morally wrong, but chooses to ignore it. These like many others have funds and shares and a decision which affects the companies negatively will affect their wallets in the same way.
I would still like to end by saying that the clip is just showing you one side of the truth and you should get a broader view of the matter before make a stand.